Our vision is for every student to be educated in an environment that is intentionally designed, equitable and inclusive. Innovate. Include. Impact.
What We Do... |
SIP (Supporting Inclusive Practices) provides unparalleled statewide technical assistance to educational communities in their pursuit of inclusive and equitable systems. Together we seek to empower each student to be purposeful and motivated, resourceful and knowledgeable, and strategic and goal directed within an environment of belonging, community and connection. |
SIP provides technical assistance, within the CA System of Support, in a three-tier system:
*SIP grantees are selected by the California Department of Education, Special Education Division. There is not an application process to become a SIP grantee.
Why Inclusion?
11.6% DISABILITYStudents with disabilities served in 2018-19 as a percentage of total enrollment. |
SEGREGATIONStudents with disabilities in general education 80% or more of the dayin 2018-19 |
GRADUATION RATEFour year graduation rate for students with disabilities per 2017-18 data. |
Our Approach to Inclusion |
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CultureWe believe that a culture focused on building capacity at all levels via collaborative systems and structures is essential.
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PolicyWe believe that creating and implementing policies which remove structural and procedural barriers that impede the change of inclusion is vital.
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PracticeWe believe in inclusive practices that are responsive to student diversity, encourage student-directed learning, are evidence-based, and developed via ongoing collaboration between staff, students and community.
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Cohesive LeadershipWe believe that a cohesive leadership team that is distributed across levels and is committed to driving change across the organization is an essential element for inclusion.
Our Impact
94 LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCIESView the list of SIP Grantees
CCSESA REGIONSSIP operates across 11 CCSESA regions in California
AVERAGE INCREASE IN INCLUSIONSIP has incurred a 5% average increase in inclusion over a period of 3 years from 2015 – 2018 for grantees (indicator 5) in comparison to the state of California which averages 2%
The SIP Project has been an incredible catalyst for change in our school district. The focus on improvement science and personalized support with the grant award have been key to our success in increasing inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities. We are proud that we’ve increased by 20% the number of students spending 80% or more of their day in general education settings in just 3 years with the support and guidance of the SIP Project. |
Collaborating with school districts and educational thought leaders across California and to work hand in hand with them to increase the inclusion of students with special needs is a real passion for all us at CHIME.Being a part of SIP is a tremendous opportunity. |
Supporting Inclusive Practices Partnerships