Training and Technical Assistance Contracts (TTAC) of the state of Virginia
Online Trainings on making technology and toys accessible.
Online Trainings on making technology and toys accessible.
Blog by a physical therapist with ideas on how to work on gait training with a student in the home setting.
Coronavirus language for augmentative or alternative communication users.
Parent resources for occupational therapy (OT).
An example of an Occupational Therapy (OT) teletherapy lesson.
Information and resources for teletherapy: including a Telepractice Checklist for school-based professionals.
The California Student Privacy Alliance is a collaboration of California school districts that share common concerns around student privacy.
Educator's guide to student privacy.
Privacy Technical Assistance Center, working with the Department of of Education’s Family Policy Compliance office, developed a checklist document that provides a framework for evaluating online educational tools' Terms of…
Resources to support students with significant support needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.